Why aren't young people voting?

Posted: Tuesday 26 January 2010
At the last general election, retired people were twice as likely to vote as young people. With the next general election looming, I want to try and uncover the real reasons that many young people are not voting.

Some might say it's laziness, whilst others might say young people don't care about the running of the country. Perhaps politics is just too boring to take an interest in. There are some adults who might say that today's youth culture is a disaster and that partying is all they think about.

On the other hand, perhaps young people are not being educated on the subject of politics at school so they have little knowledge and don't see it as important. Is politics too difficult to get into as a young adult? Many young people will tell you they don't understand politics and so they give up trying.

There are many factors that need to be considered here, and I aim to explore each reason thoroughly. What are your views? Who or what is to blame for the devastating number of young voters today?