Friday 2 April 2010

Video: Brown vs Cameron

I stopped students at Southampton Solent University and showed them two photographs; the first of Gordon Brown and the second of David Cameron. I asked them to give descriptions of their initial thoughts and words that first came to mind. The experiment had no complex agenda, it was simply to discover the feelings of young people towards these two politicians rather than their opinions on particular policies or parties:

What is interesting is how many students (there were exceptions) described the personalities of the politicians with very little reference to the parties that they represent. Personality politics is an interesting subject, particularly with reference to a generation bombarded with celebrity on a daily basis. Which do you think has more influence over young voters - the personality of a party leader or the reputation of the party itself?


  1. Some of you readers have been saying you can't comment on this post so I'm just testing! If you are reading this, it works so please go ahead and comment!

  2. I think both the personality and the reputation of the party itself will have an influence over young voters. Both are equally important because I believe that the personality of the leader has a lot to do with a party's or an organisation's reputation. Leaders have to be credible, charismatic and experienced, and these characteristics/factors play a vital role on the reputation of the party. Young voters will look at both when it comes choosing their new leader.

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